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Confession of the day: March 28, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 10:53 pm

I have issues.

NO, really, I have issues.

Every day that passes I find myself becoming more and more OCD. I hate money. Metal. Keys. Yuck. More than Yuck-I can’t handle the grossness I feel, the smell that won’t wash off my hands. ‘A’ consistently questions my reasoning here and never even comes close to understanding there is NO REASONING at all. All metal is repulsive. disgusting. I was willing to pay the $60.00 for a copy of my last cars key so the key could have that plastic topper on it(alas, they couldn’t make me one).

I have an obbession with organizing. planning. over-thinking. Everything has to have a plan. a purpose. a known outcome. I have trouble being spontaneous anymore. (which is frustating to everyone, including me) I just spent the last 2 hours. 2 HOURS! picking out 8 pictures to print out for frames in my house. This might seem like a large task, but it shouldn’t have taken that long. The goal was to get some pics of my new boys(and some updated of S) up on the walls, so it wasn’t like I was digging through years of pictures to find these 8 pictures. There was probably a max of 80 I was looking through. Obsessing over.

Once I decided that S’s diapers were no good and I wanted to try and find a different, a better brand to use. Now if I was a normal person I would probably just go to the store and pick out another brand and use them to see if I thought they were better(I’m guessing. I’m not actually sure what normal people do…) I, on the other hand, am borderline OCD, so to try and find a new brand of diapers that I like was quite an ordeal. I went to the store and obsessed over the different brands. Finally decided there was NO WAY I could make such an intricate decision soley on the cartoon sponser on each diaper. So I bought a smallish pack of many different brands and proceeded to preform an experiment on my poor 6 months old. I had a notebook and I kept track of each and every diaper we changed. Did it leak? Was the leakage pee or poo? Did it not leak? Was the diaper holding pee or poo? At the end of my lengthy experiment I compared the diaper brands based on the information I had collected and TA DA! I found a great diaper. (We won’t talk about how 2 different brands actually tied and I ended up choosing the winner based on it’s cartoon branding) The point here is, I actually don’t understand how one could NOT need to obsess over decisions like this. How can you just walk into a store and choose something off the shelf without looking at every single option. I’m actually amazed by those kind of people. It’s just to foreign to me.

summary: I’m crazy. Someone help me.