
Welcome to Our Craziness!

I’m back. August 4, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 12:50 pm

I’m going to start blogging again. I love reading others blogs so much. I’ll try not to be lame.


If you are looking… October 4, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 9:30 pm

all the excitement on this blog started on Aug. 22nd, 2007 (there’s a calendar on the right)


New website August 28, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 2:56 pm

I have been working on setting up a new website. it’s

that will replace my blog, and have more pages to play around with. I’m really excited

I’m not sure how to allow comments yet though. i’ll working on that next.


We have plans August 20, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 1:39 pm

We are meeting tomorrow at Rumbi Island Grill at Gateway tomorrow (the 21st) at 6pm. We will eat there, then walk over to where he fell. Come celebrate with us! Andy is working on calling and inviting people and I will join him tonight, but please, if you don’t get a call, know that you are invited anyway. We have put this off and are scrambling to let people know.


Falling August 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 12:08 am

Today I recreated Andy’s fall with my prefect, pretty iPhone.


Let’s just say Andy made it out better than my iPhone. 




Thanks Superhero guy at the Apple Store for giving me a new phone even though you shouldn’t have!

(too bad I couldn’t have just exchanged Andy for a new Andy after he fell and broke.)


Party August 10, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 9:56 pm

So… Yeah… We do want to have a party for his one year anniversary. BUT I don’t have any ideas. We could do dinner at gateway and go see where he fell… We could eat potluck here at our house… I’m not sure. Post comments with ideas-but keep the evening of the 21st open for us. 😀



Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 9:42 pm

We aren’t physics geniuses but from our calculations tonight we figured that(maybe?) Andy would have hit the concrete at 76 miles per hour when he fell. Dang! 


(Anyone think they are smarter than us? He fell 75 feet-how fast did he fall? If you can figure it out with more certainty than I I will find some prize at my house for you. :D)


So Hard. August 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 10:53 pm

Being a grown-up isn’t at all what I expected.

It’s hard.

I’m so overwhelmed, by everything and nothing.

I can’t even think about all that is ‘wrong’ in my world right now.

I see everyone else with their happy perfect lives and I SWEAR we will never get there.



Sleeping out again July 23, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 8:52 pm

I got an app to blog on my sweet iPhone (it’s worked all day!). I’m loving this my super cool phone.

Right now I’m sitting on the sidewalk sleeping out for the parade. I’m sometimes the meanest, most evil mother and sometimes I’m the coolest that ever existed. Tonight I just happen to be the most super cool and I’m feeling pretty good about myself. 😀


I’m scared of my iPhone. July 22, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ashlieaxandike @ 1:25 am

It’s 2:19 am. I’m loading my iphone with the apps that are supossed to work on it, the ones I downloaded from the apple store, one by one in such a tedious process I sometimes forget what I’m doing. I have to do this because this man told me to. The iPhone has bugs. The iPhone is struggling. The iPhone is driving me to swearing. It keeps crashing. All I do is load apps and customize preferences and then it tells me to go to h*** and makes me start over. So I’m finally listening to that man and doing it his way. It might actually make me want a different phone(except when it works my iPhone is D*** COOL!). Hopefully what he tells me will actually work. Cross your fingers for me and my iPhone.